


1. The cake is simply scrumptious.(这个蛋糕简直太美味了。)
2. A gentle drizzle started to fall.(一场细雨开始飘落。)
3. The temptation of that chocolate is hard to resist.(那块巧克力的诱惑很难抗拒。)
4. Don’t indulge in too much junk food.(不要过度沉溺于太多垃圾食品。)
5. He loves to eat nuts as a snack.(他喜欢把坚果当作零食吃。)
6. The accident derailed the train.(事故使火车脱轨了。)
7. His actions could cause a serious backlash.(他的行为可能会引发严重的反弹。)


1. She likes to indulge herself in a bubble bath after a long day.
2. He often indulges in his hobbies on weekends.
3. Don’t always indulge in wishful thinking.
4. They decided to indulge in a delicious meal at that fancy restaurant.
5. We should not indulge in excessive consumption.